We developed OnlineCancerInfo.com for a family member in 2004. Hopefully, it will help everyone to be more aware of cancer in general. The information researched on this site for Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (ATC) cancer also applies to other forms of cancer. This site offers articles on treatments, alternative therapies, diet & recipes, clinical trials, and survivor stories. It also offers our own experience and techniques on beating cancer successfully.
Please consult your healthcare expert before trying any treatments or products mentioned on our website. We are not healthcare experts. We neither endorse nor recommend any products, diets, recipes, treatments, or therapies mentioned on this site. We’re making our research available to the public because we didn’t find any websites dedicated to the rare ATC cancer.
There are lots of people out there who have successfully fought cancer, even stage 4 cancer. With the support of friends and family, proper diet, faith, positive attitude, and research, there’s always hope. If you or your loved one has cancer, please keep on fighting. Don’t ever give up!
For a summary of the methodology we used to fight cancer, go directly to Our Approach.